Persona 4: Golden - PlayStation Vita
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The game that made me fell in love with jrpg's
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The game that made me fell in love with jrpg's
“It's quite unbelievable how good this game is, the writing is amazing as it make you feel a whole lot of emotions, the cast is incredible and every single one of them are likable with their own set of problems that you have to solve through their social links and with the edition of golden there are a lot of new added scenes which makes the party to feel even more alive than the original p4 and most of their interactions are very funny and heartfelt to the point that it actually feels like these kids are your real friends which makes the ending all the more emotional when you know that you have to say goodbye to them.
10/10 One of the best in the series, characters, music, story, combat... They all stood the test of time so it's definitely a must buy, with the fact that now it's ” read more

"Shoji Meguro Time to Make History Shadow World A Sky Full of Stars Snowflakes"

" Part murder mystery, part supernatural dungeon crawler, Persona 4 Golden is all JRPG goodness. Its quaint Japanese setting is in stark contrast to the dark secrets its characters harbor, and that's what makes P4G so great. By the end of its 70-ish hour campaign, you geniunely care about this quirky cast of misfits, so much so that you'll meticulously curate your schedule to ensure that you have the time to spend with each of your in-game pals equally. Persona 4 Golden on Vita takes the foundat"