Dennis Hof
Birth Name: Dennis Leroy Hof
Born: 14 October 1946 Died: 16 October 2018
Country of origin: United States
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Partner: Cami Parker
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Dennis Hof was an American brothel owner, television personality, and political candidate. He was best known as the owner of seven legal brothels in Nevada. Several of his brothels are in Moundhouse, Nevada, a few minutes outside Carson City. His best-known brothel is the Moonlite BunnyRanch. Hof wrote an autobiography titled The Art of the Pimp. He was elected to the Nevada Assembly in November 2018, less than one month after his death.
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1. The Daily Show (1996)
Rating: | 1142 Watched |
2. Entertainment Tonight (1981)
Rating: | 288 Watched |
3. The Tyra Banks Show (2005)
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4. The Surreal Life (2003)
Rating: | 61 Watched |
5. The Insider
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View all Dennis Hof TV (4 more)
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2. American Pimp (1999)
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3. Alongside Night (2014)
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5. 2006 AVN Awards (2006)
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