David Butler
Birth Name: David Dalrymple Butler
Born: 12 November 1927 Died: 27 May 2006
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: Mary McPhail
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David Butler was a Scottish writer of numerous screenplays and teleplays who won an Emmy Award and was nominated for the Academy Award and the Golden Globe Award for Best Screenplay for the 1976 film "Voyage of the Damned". Butler served in the Royal Air Force during the Korean War where he initially trained as a pilot officer before being rejected for his eye sight. He ended up being posted to Singapore where he led jungle patrols against terrorists in Malaya in 1953.
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2. Crucible of Horror (1972)
Rating: | 8 Watched |
3. Wolfshead: The Legend of Robin Hood (1969)
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4. The Set Up (1963)
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1. Lion of the Desert (1980)
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3. Bear Island (1979)
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5. Wolfshead: The Legend of Robin Hood (1969)
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1. Jesus of Nazareth (1977)
Rating: | 111 Watched |
4. Marco Polo
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