Christoph Gawenda
Country of origin: Germany
Currently Residing In: Germany
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From 2001 to 2005 Christoph Gawenda studied at the University for Music and Theatre' in Hanover. In spring 2004 he took part in Workshops at the State Theatre Arts Academy in St. Petersburg. After his studies he was engaged in the Ensemble of the State Theatre Stuttgart. Here he primarily worked with the directors Friederike Heller, Volker Lösch, Michael Thalheimer, Hasko Weber, Thomas Dannemann und Arpad Schilling. Since the repertory season 2010/11 he's a steady member in the Schaubühne's Ensemble.

Most popular
Most recent

1. Stalingrad (2013) (2013)
Rating: | 39 Watched |

2. Auf Einmal (2016)
Rating: | 4 Watched |

3. Einer wie Bruno (2012)
Rating: | 3 Watched |

4. Parkour (2009)
2 want to see |

5. Das Vermächtnis der Cherusker (2005)
0 want to see |
Most popular
Most recent

1. Notruf Hafenkante (2007)
Rating: | 6 Watched |

2. The Last Witness (1998)
Rating: | 2 want to see |

3. SOKO Stuttgart (2009)
Rating: | 4 Watched |

5. Die Sitte
0 want to see |