Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter)
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Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter) Videos
17. Jessica Jones
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“Hardscrabble P.I. Jessica Jones, who developed super strength when a genetic research corporation saved her life as a child after a car crash, is a surly, no-nonsense defender of the downtrodden. With Hell's Kitchen as her haunt, Jones battled her way back from brainwashed sexual slavery and defeated the malicious mind-controller known as Kilgrave. After this, she was a key collaborator - teaming with Matt Murdock, Luke Cage, and Danny Rand - in the toppling of The Hand and then later besting brutal serial killer Gregory Sallinger. Jones can be a bit of a bad-tempered champion, but she's someone you definitely want on your side when the chips are down. (As for the question of whether or not the Netflix characters count as part of the MCU, that's a whole other debate -- but we're living in ” read more

"5'7 124 Street fighter 4 durability 1 energy 3 fighting skills 2 intelligence 3 speed 4 strength"