The Report Card
Fifth-grader Nora Rowley is a genius masquerading as an average student to avoid the pressures that come with her gift. When her best friend, Stephen, a nice, hard-working child who really is average, scores low on the state mastery tests and starts to think of himself as "dumb," Nora decides it's time to do something. Feeling she has nothing to lose, she brings home a terrible report card, setting off a whole chain of events that affect not only Stephen but also her family, her other classmates, her teachers, and herself. Veteran author Clements has once again built a solid story around a controversial issue for which
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Manufacturer: Scholastic, Inc
Release date: 16 October 2018
ISBN-10 : 0439671108 | ISBN-13: 9780439692380
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Release date: 16 October 2018
ISBN-10 : 0439671108 | ISBN-13: 9780439692380