Björn Gustafson
Birth Name: Björn Herman Leonard Gustafsson
Age: 89, born 30 November 1934
Country of origin: Sweden
Currently Residing In: Sweden
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Björn Herman Leonard Gustafsson is a Swedish actor. He was born in Stockholm and has appeared in 93 films and television shows since 1956. He starred in the 1965 film Love 65, for which was entered into the 15th Berlin International Film Festival. Gustafsson is best known in Sweden for his role as the kind farmworker Alfred in the Swedish films about Emil of Lönneberga and for his role as the alcoholic demolition expert Dynamit-Harry in Jönssonligan. Gustafsson has been a member of the Royal Dramatic Theatre since 1955 where he's worked in plays like The Three Musketeers (1955), The Canterville Ghost (1957), Hamlet (1960), Th
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1. The Best Intentions (1992)
Rating: | 33 want to see |
2. Peter-No-Tail (1981)
Rating: | 29 Watched |
3. Emil i Lönneberga (1971)
Rating: | 27 Watched |
View all Björn Gustafson movies (43 more)
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1. Emil i Lönneberga (1974)
Rating: | 10 Watched |
2. Second Avenue (2007)
Rating: | 4 Watched |
4. Hustruskolan
Rating: | 1 want to see |
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