Averell Harriman
Birth Name: William Averell Harriman
Born: 15 November 1891 Died: 26 July 1986
Country of origin: United States
Relationship Status: Married
Partner: Marie Norton Whitney
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Averell Harriman was an American Democratic Party politician, businessman, and diplomat. He was the son of railroad baron E.H. Harriman. He served as Secretary of Commerce under President Harry S. Truman and later as the 48th Governor of New York. He was a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1952, and again in 1956 when he was endorsed by President Truman but lost to Adlai Stevenson both times. Harriman served President Franklin D. Roosevelt as special envoy to Europe and served as the U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union and U.S. Ambassador to Britain. He served in numerous U.S. diplomatic assignments in the
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