Adele Neuhauser
Birth Name: Adele Neuhauser
Age: 65, born 17 January 1959
Country of origin: Greece
Currently Residing In: Austria
Height: 5' 7"
View all Adele Neuhauser pictures
Most popular
Most recent
1. Tatort (1970)
Rating: | 19 Watched |
3. SOKO München (1978)
Rating: | 9 Watched |
5. Seitenblicke (1987)
Rating: | 7 Watched |
View all Adele Neuhauser TV (15 more)
Most popular
Most recent
1. Where Is Fred!? (2006)
Rating: | 28 Watched |
3. The Mother-of-Pearl Colour (2009)
Rating: | 3 want to see |
4. Irren ist männlich (1996)
Rating: | 4 Watched |
View all Adele Neuhauser movies (1 more)