This TV adaptation of Neil Gaiman's excellent novel successfully brings the tale to life. It's extremely faithful to the source material, the only new material being the introductory part of the first episode (in which the main character provides a brief background on himself). The casting is perfect all around, with my personal favorites being Hywel Bennett & Clive Russell as Mr. Croup & Mr. Vandemar. I also loved the scenery & costumes & thought they were perfectly designed. Plus the music is done by Brian Eno, which is pretty awesome.
My main complaint lies with the introductory parts of the other episodes. They mainly serve as recaps, which seem unnecessary for a limited run series, and the way they're filmed with freeze frame shots of the characters randomly thrown in while they're still talking is cheesy and detracts from the overall quality of the show. Had they been left out entirely I could easily give the show a 9 or 10.
Worth watching if you're a fan, but not necessary viewing.