Plot: A group of college students squat in an abandoned hospital to make it through the financial strain of higher education. Alas, someone in their midst has unleashed an unholy terror linked to the locations lurid past.
I guarantee you the brief description above is not only better than the whole of this movie, but also carries more plot than you'll see unfold as this feature dreadfully crawls through its blissfully short runtime. To anyone familiar with Full Moon Pictures (or, depending on what era,ย Productons/Studdios/Entertainment/Features), this should come as no surprise. Full Moon made their name in the game by pumping out a broad assortment of movies into video stores in the 90s. To say that they varied wildly in quality is an understatement. In fact, at its best, Full Moon's product was deeply flawed but fun and serviceable as a pastime. At it's worse, however, they barely qualified as movies.ย
Shrieker was a film that came out as their most productive era was winding down and, boy, it shows. What you have here is a poorly executed slog of repetition and piss poor humor. They don't even bother to exploit the fairly decent looking titular creature for the lowest form of entertainment (the kills). Nope, this movie is bereft of any creativity. It most definitely isn't high art (but nobody was expecting that) but, most egregiously, it fails miserably to provide anything but the bare minimum of effort in ANY department.ย
There is not much to be said about this other than the likely would of been more well-served to call it Stinker instead of Shrieker. Don't even bother.ย