Under The Dome (2013)
list by Surey
list by LesbianFilm
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could have been interesting but it's badly made
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could have been interesting but it's badly made
“The concept could be interesting but gets mediocre and pathetic quite quickly.
Bunch of people remains trapped under a dome and becomes a continuous loop of bad and good actions by the main characters. They conspire and kill like nothing and just get re accepted and then happens the same to their counterparts and again and again viceversa with no end. Characters not believable after some episodes and quite superficial and obvious. And the "romantic" relationships in the story are just ridiculous like other aspects of the life in a little town in that situation.” read more
" James"Big Jim"Rennie (Dean Norris) It's incomprehensible that he was still alive at the end of the series even if he was a real cold blooded killer who had no respect for nobody. "