Space Patrol Luluco (Patrulla Espacial Luluco)
list by ToonHead2102
list by Pandoras Folly
list by Texal
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"Es una serie anime muy corta con animación experimental y humor muy absurdo. La sobrevaloran mucho porque la creó uno de los directores de anime actuales más destacados. Pero esta serie no ofrece nada más que aventuras absurdas con animación rondando lo amateur. Este producto solo sirvió para presentar a la serie Little Witch Academia. La gente debe de evaluar un producto por si mismo no porque lo haya hecho alguien relevante, si este anime lo hubiera hecho otro estudio lo hubieran destroz"
"I like Hiroyuki Imaishi and I loved Kill la Kill, so when I heard this show was also great and it featured characters from all the shows made previously by Trigger, I went to watch all of their stuff. Needless to say, it was a short referential comedy with nothing worth in it outside of references. And since I didn't like the shows I watched before this one, it was all a huge waste of time, maybe the biggest in my life."