NieR: Automata Ver 1.1a
list by ToonHead2102

NieR: Automata Ver 1.1a Videos

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“Before I start I would like to give two warnings: Fist, I love this show, so this review is most likely going to be very biased, second, I did not (an”
“Before I start I would like to give two warnings: Fist, I love this show, so this review is most likely going to be very biased, second, I did not (an”
“Before I start I would like to give two warnings: Fist, I love this show, so this review is most likely going to be very biased, second, I did not (and will not) play the videogame, so the mentions of it I could make are going to be limited to what I saw on just one walkthrough, and of course, I am not going to complain about how is not a 1:1 adaptation because of that, even more so because this is mainly directed towards anime only viewers like myself.
TL; DR: It has poor CGI and is not a videogame, but despite some issues it is still a great science fiction show.
Oh poor show, all it took was one episode of bad CGI and not doing the impossible of making a tv series to be exactly like a videogame for most to not give it a chance. And then something weird happened (they” read more