Little Witch Academia (2017)
list by ToonHead2102
list by holasoy1capo
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“This was one of the most fun and entertaining anime I have seen in a long time, instead of relying on fanservice or moe jokes, Little Witch Academia is a show with light humor and a really enjoyable quest of Akko trying to be like her idol Shiny Chariot, but constantly fails at it
One of the things I like about this show is the characters, most of the characters have really distinct and likable personalities, they may not be really complex characters, but they provide an enjoyable dynamics and interactions with each other, even Akko, who can get really get annoying some parts, still is really lovable and full of personality
Other thing I like about this show is the world-building, this show such a fascinating world that makes you interested in the different types of loc” read more
" quizá la trama y los personajes son muy simples pero puedo decir que es una linda historia que pretende inspirar y a pesar de ser bastante básica en cuanto a sus pretensiones, al menos agradezco que existan series así. "
“Bueno, el día de hoy me dio por ser un hijo de puta, así que vamos a con todo contra esta “gema” de Trigger que todos amaron en su momento. No me malinterpreten, también gusté de la serie cuando salió hace tres años introduciéndome en el mundo del anime de forma constante, pero reviendo muchos cartoons y pensándolo detenidamente he llegado a la conclusión que Little Witch Academia es eghhhh.
La trama es sencilla, una inútil desea ser una bruja experimentada, pero todo le sale por la culata así que deberá mejorar con esfuerzo y multiples decepciones. Ok, me interesa la descripción; pese a ser protagonizado por niñas yendo a la escuela se asemeja a las series escolares occidentales con elementos de shonen de peleas. Contemos con los buenos valores de producción” read more
“Little Witch Academia puede parecer una historia algo genérica, y resultar bastante conveniente en ocasiones, pero sigue siendo una historia de superación, dinámica y simpática, que logra realizar lo que se propone; generar un mensaje optimista sobre alcanzar tus sueños.” read more
"1. short-movie Little Witch Academia 2013. 2. movie Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade 2015. 3. eps. 25. Little Witch Academia 2017. 1. short-movie Little Witch Academia 2013. In her admiration of Shiny Chariot, a famous witch renowned for her unorthodox yet enchanting spells, Kagari Akko, an ordinary girl, joined Witch Academia in the hope of someday becoming as spectacular as Shiny Chariot. She is determined to become a graduate of Witch Academy and make her dream come true despi"
"1. short-movie Little Witch Academia 2013. 2. movie Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade 2015. 3. eps. 25. Little Witch Academia 2017. 1. short-movie Little Witch Academia 2013. In her admiration of Shiny Chariot, a famous witch renowned for her unorthodox yet enchanting spells, Kagari Akko, an ordinary girl, joined Witch Academia in the hope of someday becoming as spectacular as Shiny Chariot. She is determined to become a graduate of Witch Academy and make her dream come true despi"