Fullmetal Alchemist (Hagane no Renkinjutsushi)
list by Kami
list by Langley
Fullmetal Alchemist Videos
Comparison to Brotherhood
Yes, yes, the inevitable comparison between Fullmetal Alchemist series and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. (Let's refer to the first series as Fullmetal Alchemist and the second series as just Brotherhood.)... read more
UPC: 704400081323
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"Personalmente prefiero esta primera version que la que vino despues (que esta mejor considerada) la cual me parecio algo infantil y tonta por unos momentos. Esta version quiza no sea mas fiel al manga pero me parecio que los personajes se nos hacen mas cercanos. En la otra version quiza sea un anime mas largo pero no senti la misma conexion con la mayoria de los personajes. Al menos esa es mi opinion. "
"The first adaptation of the manga, 'till its half, it follows accurately, but since the manga was still coming out, the anime had to have an alternate ending. Still, few episodes."
"11 de enero S01E17 House of the Waiting Family S01E18 Marcoh's Notes 12 de enero S01E19 The Truth Behind Truths S01E20 Soul of the Guardian S01E21 The Red Glow 15 de enero S01E22 Created Human S01E23 Heart of Steel S01E24 Bonding Memories "
"_________________________________________ Genre: Action, science, fantasy Episodes: 51 My overall rating 7/10 Hilarious and a great story Completed – 2013 Dubbed"
"SHONEN: Remediando los errores que cometimos. Status: COMPLETE, pero la voy a rewatchear"