Youth in Revolt (2010)
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list by Coby
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Disposable, consciously hip, forgettable film
From the outset, it's clear that there's something a tad skewiff about 2010's Youth in Revolt. It's not that the movie is excruciating or fatally flawed, but it suffers from an uneven tone, blunt satire, comedy which rarely provokes more than feeble giggles, and shallow, unrealistic lead characters. Ada... read more
Entertaining coming of age comedy...
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“To be honest, I didn’t have some huge expectations regarding this movie but since there was a decent cast involved, I thought I might as well check it out. Well, it turned out to be another typical Michael Cera vehicle and I guess we don’t hear much from him anymore because he never managed to be cast in something else than such roles of spineless losers. And, yet, this movie was not bad though. Indeed, the way the character was aching for sex but also to just have a girlfriend was actually so recognizable and Cera was actually quite pitch-perfect. Concerning Portia Doubleday, who was this girl with this incredible name?!? Indeed, I had never heard of her before and I wonder what she has done afterwards. Well, even though she was really cute and they made an effort to match their taste” read more
"Directed by Miguel Arteta Starring Michael Cera, Portia Doubleday, Zach Galifianakis, Jean Smart, Erik Knudsen, Adhir Kalyan, Steve Buscemi, Fred Willard, Ari Graynor, Ray Liotta, Justin Long, Rooney Mara, Jade Fusco, Christa B. Allen, M. Emmett Walsh, Mary Kay Place, and Miguel Arteta "