V/H/S/94 (2021)
list by diabolical dr voodoo

list by Drako Z

list by PvtCaboose91

list by the giraffe

list by LBKitty

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"Plot: The fourth installment into the found footage horror anthology is easily the weakest of the bunch. A poorly acted and scripted wraparound bookends entries that range from decent to fun to out of place to downright hammy. All's fair play in anthologies, of course, but the real issue here is that the talent involved doesn't provide particularly substantial or high quality input. Still, "The Empty Wake" shines with it's fantastic effects and simple format, creature vignette "Storm Drain" en"

" Date: 3/28/2022 Viewed: Shudder First viewing Note: SPOILER REVIEW!!!! I didn't have high expectations for this film after the third V/H/S film turned out to be a hot mess. However, V/H/S/94 appears to have received positive reviews and is regarded as a step forward from the previous film. So I gave in and watched it on Shudder. V/H/S 94 is a good movie in my opinion, even though I still prefer the first two V/H/S films. It's an improvement over V/H/S: Viral (2014), but that's not a diffic"