Teorema (Theorem) (1968)
list by Severin Severin
list by Severin Severin
list by ToonHead2102
list by ogioooo
list by johanlefourbe
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A very good movie
Vacía, pretenciosa y gay
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“This movie is just boring. I don't know if I should've understood the films message or not but I didn't, and if you did I'm sure you know it required a lot of attention; per usual to a Pasolini film.
-c1n4m0ng1rl” read more
" Notes: To be honest, it has been a while since I have seen this flick but it had such an impact on me at the time, I still can remember it vividly. Indeed, I was very young when I saw it and I had never seen anything like this before. I mean, when I did watch some classics when I was much younger, I didn’t always connect with them right away but, with this one, it was a completely different story. Indeed, it is probably one of the most fascinating movie I have ever seen. In fact, I’m usual"
" Notes: To be honest, it has been a while since I have seen this flick but it had such an impact on me at the time, I still can remember it vividly. Indeed, I was very young when I saw it and I had never seen anything like this before. I mean, when I did watch some classics when I was much younger, I didn’t always connect with them right away but, with this one, it was a completely different story. Indeed, it is probably one of the most fascinating movie I have ever seen. In fact, I’m usual"
“Teorema parte de la premisa de un hombre entregándoles su fábrica a sus trabajadores para narrar el viaje espiritual de una familia burguesa como demostración de dicha premisa, y al puro estilo Pasolini pretende nutrir la historia con símbolos que homologan el desafío espiritual a la liberación de los hebreos bajo la guía de Moisés en busca de la tierra prometida; en este caso en lugar de un mesías judío que se rebela contra el régimen egipcio, el germen del cambio lo trae un extranjero que se hospeda un tiempo con la familia.
La película cuenta independientemente la historia de cada miembro de la familia, y como dura 93 minutos terminamos pasando un tiempo muy limitado con cada personaje, que se puede resumir en largos planos de personajes reflexionando o yendo de un” read more