Sorcerer (The Wages of Fear) (1977)
list by The Wolf

list by JayTrotter

list by Michael M

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"11.3. Blu-ray William Friedkinin uusversio vaihtaa hahmoja, antaa näille selvät taustat, ja täsmentää tapahtumapaikkaa. Friedkinin mukaan tämä ei ollut missään nimessä uusintaversio, vaan täysin uusi skenaario - go figure. Billy, I loovee you man, mut vittu sä olit välillä pihalla näissä lausunnoissasi. Tuotantotaustoiltaan valtavan vaikuttavaa paneutumista, mikä nyt ei tietenkään automaattiaesti elokuvasta tee parempaa, mutta kyllähän se ainakin tässä tapauksessa näkyy."

" "Listen Pancho, I've been clocking you every second you've been in this town. If you wanna pick your nose in this truck, you better clear it with me first, otherwise I'm taking you and this nitro right into a ditch!" Written by Walon Green Music by Tangerine Dream Cinematography by Dick Bush and John M. Stephens Editing by Robert K. Lambert and Bud S. Smith"

" "Listen Pancho, I've been clocking you every second you've been in this town. If you wanna pick your nose in this truck, you better clear it with me first, otherwise I'm taking you and this nitro right into a ditch!" Directed by William Friedkin Written by Walon Green Music by Tangerine Dream Cinematography by Dick Bush and John M. Stephens Editing by Robert K. Lambert and Bud S. Smith"

"Format: Blu-Ray Viewing: 2nd (or 3rd) Thoughts: There are few movies that transcend the casual viewing experience and become something more, something that pulls you in and gets under your skin. William Friedkin has a reputation of doing this, most notably with The Exorcist but in a very similar fashion in Sorcerer. It's a movie that takes you on a wild ride into the heart of darkness. An uncompromising, unrelenting experience where no one is safe and death is always just a step away. Such an in"

"In the small South American town of Porvenir, four men on the run from the law are offered $10,000 and legal citizenship if they will transport a shipment of dangerously unstable nitroglycerin to an oil well 200 miles away. Led by Jackie Scanlon, the men set off on a hazardous journey, during which they must contend with dangerously rocky roads, unstable bridges, and attacks from local guerillas. The four fight for their lives as they struggle to complete their dangerous quest. A fantastic rema"

" First Viewing Viewing Date: April 24th Via: Blu-ray Plot: Four unfortunate men from different parts of the globe agree to risk their lives transporting gallons of unstable nitroglycerin across dangerous South American jungle. Rating: 9.1/10"