Psychic Kusuo (斉木楠雄のψ難 / Saiki Kusuo no sai-nan )
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"Últimamente hay una cantidad demencial de adaptaciones Live-Action de mangas y animes pero todos sabemos que eso acaba mal por diferente razones y ninguna película es realmente buena, pero para mi acaba de llegar una que si lo es. Saiki Kusuo No Psi-nan es un anime de comedia una muy japonesa algo única se podría decir y eso se traduce lo suficiente aquí como para adaptarlo pero ademas de eso la película enterada de su condición aprovecha lo que es para volverse una parodia de si misma ha"

"This is the live action adaptation of the popular manga directed by Yuichi Fukuda who also helmed the Gintama movie. Unlike that movie which was really funny and well made, this one isn't that good. It's ridiculously OTT, full of weird characters and whilst there are many pop culture references to other Japanese manga/anime series dotted around the movie, the pacing of the story is poor and some of the cast overact a bit too much. The main person doing this with her facial expressions is Kanna H"

"This anime has a direct line to my funny bone. It had been sitting in the popular section of my usual streaming site for ages and I finally thought, why not. So glad I watched it. You'd think that having psychic abilities would be a blessing but for Saiki they are a nuisance. He has an assortment of powers including teleportation, mind reading, x-ray vision, and much more. He uses his powers to help him avoid attention by the people around him, hoping to be left alone and live a normal student "

" THE DISASTROUS LIFE OF SAIKI K. Review coming soon... "