Prince of Darkness
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Prince of Darkness Videos
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UPC: 014381427523
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" Poking around in a church cellar, a priest finds an otherworldly vial filled with slime. Frightened, he brings his discovery to a circle of top scholars and scientists, who eventually learn that the strange liquid is the essence of Satan. The slime then begins to seep out, turning some of the academics into zombified killers. As the possessed battle the survivors, student Kelly is infected by a large quantity of the liquid and becomes Satan personified. The film, featured a earlier Brooklyn"
" Poking around in a church cellar, a priest finds an otherworldly vial filled with slime. Frightened, he brings his discovery to a circle of top scholars and scientists, who eventually learn that the strange liquid is the essence of Satan. The slime then begins to seep out, turning some of the academics into zombified killers. As the possessed battle the survivors, student Kelly is infected by a large quantity of the liquid and becomes Satan personified. The film, featured a earlier Brooklyn"
"Pros: Itâs a very terrifying movie. One of John Carpenterâs best and underrated horror movie. The music score by John Carpenter and Alan Howarth Alice Cooperâs cameo The visual effects "
" "Suppose what your faith has said is essentially correct. Suppose there is a universal mind controlling everything, a god willing the behavior of every subatomic particle. Well, every particle has an anti-particle, its mirror image, its negative side. Maybe this universal mind resides in the mirror image instead of in our universe as we wanted to believe. Maybe he's anti-god, bringing darkness instead of light." Written by John Carpenter Music by John Carpenter and Alan Howarth Cinematography "
"18.2 - YouTube Ei Carpenterin parhaimpia, mutta kokaiinihöyryinen hulluttelu tuo silti paikoittain hymyn huulille. "
" "Suppose what your faith has said is essentially correct. Suppose there is a universal mind controlling everything, a god willing the behavior of every subatomic particle. Well, every particle has an anti-particle, its mirror image, its negative side. Maybe this universal mind resides in the mirror image instead of in our universe as we wanted to believe. Maybe he's anti-god, bringing darkness instead of light." Directed by John Carpenter Written by John Carpenter Music by John Carpenter and A"
"28.10. Olisko tÀÀ semmonen perussuoritus Carpenterilta. Alice Cooper muuten listii nörtin."
"1987 Runners Up: Evil Dead 2, Predator"
"Plot: An ancient receptacle protected by a sect of priests is investigated by a group of physics students who soon succumb to its influence. An influence that may be the very source of belief in the Devil. The lines between tradition and science blur in this thickly atmospheric ode to Nigel Kneale's work. Carpenter, evokes a sense of pervasive dread and conjures up some exceptionally memorable horror set pieces that transcend the tight budget. Complete with an ominous score and one helluva chi"
"30.5. Blu-ray Uusintakatselu. Ajatella, John Carpenterilta kuvaustyön ja musiikin oppikirjaesimerkki. Tarina on vÀhÀn höpsö (nestemÀinen belsebuubi on ainakin omaperÀinen idea), enkÀ löydÀ siitÀ ilman vÀkisin keksimistÀ suuria teemoja tai kysymyksiÀ, sen tehtÀvÀ on olla good ol' fashioned tunnelmallinen ja viihdyttÀvÀ kauhutarina. Olin tÀmÀn katsonut niinkin ÀskettÀin, kuin vuonna 2011, eikÀ minulla ollut hajuakaan tÀstÀ."
"PÀivÀn teema, kirkon kellariin jemmattu perkele/helvetti jatkuu vanhalla suosikilla, Carpenterin Pimeyden Valtiaalla. ErittÀin kutkuttavasta konseptista* huolimatta tÀmÀ kostautui pettymykseksi. Jokseenkin klassista kÀytÀvillÀ haahuilu -kauhua muutamalla hyvÀllÀ visuaalilla (unen muodossa lÀhetetty VHSmÀinen profetia, jossa kirkon portista hoipertelee perkele & orfeusmainen peili porttina tuonpuoleiseen -juttu). *Hyvin hyvin hataran maallikon kÀsitykseni mukaan, modernin fysiikan l"