Lord of the Flies (1963)
list by ToonHead2102

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Lord of the Flies Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
Much better told and interesting than the 1990
UPC: 037429136720

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"A plane carrying a group of schoolboys crash lands on a deserted island. With no adult survivors, the boys are forced to fend for themselves. At first they cooperate, but when the they split into two separate camps – one led by the pragmatic Ralph and the other by militaristic Jack – their society falls into disarray, leading to a disturbing examination of human nature. Compared to the later movie version (1990) of the book, this is so much inferior. Unfortunately this film adaptation of th"

"19.12. 2019 A group of schoolboys are stranded on a remote island after a disastrous air crash. Soon the boys have to accept the fact that they've failed to organize a working team and they are separated into different tribes. A film adaptation works about just as well as William Golding's classic novel. It's a simplified but powerful sociological study that proves how thin the surface of civilization really is. A certain kind of environment or situation can turn even civilized people into brut"

"April 8th Directed by: Peter Brook There's not much to it, I mean everyone knows the story, and that's neat and all but that's kind of all it is. You're dropped right in the middle with barely a prologue and I actually love this idea, if it was executed in an interesting way. There's some good blocking sometimes but generally it's a pretty standard looking film. I just don't think this adaptation has much to say. Criterion Channel."

"First viewing - April 13th I remember reading Lord of the Flies in high school, but I have stronger memories of the Simpsons episode where they did their take on the story. It's safe to say both of those are better than this adaptation, which isn't bad nor exceptional. It adapts the book just fine, but I never felt the same emotional connection with the film. I felt more like I was passively watching it, and kept waiting for something to bring me closer into the film. That never happened. Aside"

"Elokuva toimii oikeastaan vain tarinansa ansiosta. Muuten tämä on kömpelö tuotos, mutta yksittäisten hetkien ja ajoittain hyvien roolisuoritusten ansiosta elokuva pysyy ihan ok -tasoisena koko kestonsa ajan. Ei ihmeellinen muttei huonokaan."