The Indian Tomb (Das indische Grabmal) (1959)
list by Ruisperkele
list by Ruisperkele
list by ToniJJJ
list by Mustanaamio7
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"28.11. 2023 Angry Maharaja captures the two lovers after they failed to escape and imprisons them. The brutal leader plans to make Seetha the dancer a new Maharani but he is so blinded by jealousy and hate that he isn't able to see all the scheming around him. The second part of Fritz Lang's "the Indian Epic" is an incredibly captivating adventure film, especially if you are priviledged to see it at the cinema. Political corruption and lust for life in the film are powerful forces that threaten"
"11.11. 2020 Angry Maharaja captures the two lovers after they failed to escape and imprisons them. The brutal leader plans to make Seetha the dancer a new Maharani but he is so blinded by jealousy and hate that he isn't able to see all the scheming around him. The second part of Fritz Lang's "the Indian Epic" presents a miniature version of a capitalist society: rich and corrupted elite rules everything and troublesome sick people are forced to live in a cave under the luxurious palace. Politic"