Dickshark (Dickshark) (2016)
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3 votes
Misty Mundae Madness!
(68 items)list by DrStrangeblog
Published 9 years, 8 months ago

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DrStrangeblog rated this 3/10 4 years, 11 months ago
Orbs rated this 1/10 7 years ago
DrStrangeblog added this to a list 8 years ago

"There's no denying that Bill Zebub has a distinctive style, and I appreciate a guy who goes out of his way to promote his favorite music by putting it in his films, and based on his onscreen persona he seems like someone who would be easy to hang out with. Nevertheless, the big problem remaining is that he happens to make terrible movies! Thank goodness for Misty Mundae (here credited as Erin Brown) who has a much bigger role and shows a lot more skin than she did in the abysmal Holocaust Cann"