It's not Christmas without...
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Little Lord Fauntleroy (1980)
This inspired my list. In Italy this film is broadcasted on tv every year since a was a very little child, so it can't be Christmas without it!
Aira's rating:
Per amore, solo per amore (1993)
This is the first Penelope Cruz movie I watched.
And it's also a touching story of Love
And it's also a touching story of Love
Aira's rating:
Young Frankenstein (1974)
Another must every year. I watched it so many times, but it still make me laugh (and only a few years ago I found out Gene Hackman played the blind hermit!)
Aira's rating:
I don't like this movie. But my family think it's "nice" and if I watch it while I'm eating (and drinking, of course!) it's not that bad
Aira's rating:
Home Alone (1990)
So every year I can hear someone saying:
"He was good. What happend to him?"
"He was good. What happend to him?"
Aira's rating:
Movies that mean "Christmas" to me.
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Famous movies I never wanted to watch
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Weird Translations... miscellaneous
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