My Favourite Movies Based off of Comics
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The Dark Knight (2008)
I also saw this film in cinemas and came out feeling really pumped and I believed this film did live up to the hype that it had leading up to its cinema release and wish it was a film I could watch again for the first time over.
Dav1d's rating:

Watchmen (2009)
I thought this movie was excellent when I first saw it after its dvd release and it was reccomended to me by a friend who has similiar tastes to mine in films and this film was dark/twisted and I am addicted to Allan Moore's comics now.
Dav1d's rating:

Batman (1989)
The first Tim Burton film I remember watching, I really enjoyed it as a child and watched it many times growing up on television, its a movie I really enjoy seeing every now and again.
Dav1d's rating:

Sin City (2005)
I didn't really watch ths movie when released or when it came out, only a few years on when I started really deeply getting into comics did I pick this movie up and its a real impressive movie and I love it.
Dav1d's rating:

Batman Begins (2005)
I also saw this film in the cinemas and came out feeling really pumped after seeing it, but it wasn't till the second Christian Bale movie as Batman, that I really enjoy these two movies, Cillian Murphy was also excellent I thought.
Dav1d's rating:

V for Vendetta (2006)
This movie was really well done I thought and Hugo Weaving done a great job acting as the main character, its not one movie I've watched many times, but for the times I've seen it I have throughly enjoyed it.
Dav1d's rating:

Kick-Ass (2010)
I saw the trailer and really put off seeing the film because the trailer really didn't do it justice, but it to is an excellent picture.
Dav1d's rating:

Superman II (1980)
When I think of the Superman movie series, I immediately think of this one, I think its absolutely terrific and now if I could just find it on dvd, then that'd be perfect.
Dav1d's rating:

X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)
Personally I thought this and the first X Men were the best of the series, I really didn't like Last Stand or 2, but this one I really enjoyed particularly the whole end sequence, check it out.
Dav1d's rating:

I didn't originally know this was based off a comic and always thought it to be a movie based off the cartoon, I actually found this movie on dvd after a long while searching and the movie was a blast, I however though don't really enjoy the next two movies that followed this one.
Dav1d's rating:

Batman Returns (1992)
I can't believe how many say this was a disappointing movie, because to follow this with Batman Forever and Batman and Robin, were two of the most terrible comic hero movies I had ever seen.
But I watch this movie all the time whenever I watch the original.
But I watch this movie all the time whenever I watch the original.
Dav1d's rating:

Iron Man (2008)
This movie was bit of a suprise for me, because I went in just expecting a real average movie and this one just blew me away, I didn't find iron man 2 as good but they are both two of the better comic book hero movies I enjoy.
Dav1d's rating:

The Crow (1994)
The only one I have seen is the one with Brandon Lee and boy was it really good, the comic book series I can't find at my local comic stores but I've taken a gander at the comics when others had them and have to say the drawings and attention to detail in these comics is exceptional.
Dav1d's rating:

Just a simple list, showing my love for movies that are based off a comic book series, there is also alot more comic book movies I'd like to add but these are amongst my favourites.
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