I Wanted To Breathe Smoke
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Smoking. So harmful, but yet so fascinating. It will eventually probably kill you. But still people do it. I guess were automatically on self-destruct mode. And there's nothing more classic than an actress or an actor with that iconic cigarette. Here's FEW of my favorite smoking pictures.
"If you took cigarettes away from the 20th century, we wouldn't have any of the writers you go on about, or anybody worshipped would not exist, and I want this acknowledged. In fact I think non-smokers should be barred from buying any product that a smoker created"
-Joe Strummer
"A cigarette is the perfect type of a perfect pleasure. It is exquisite, and it leaves one unsatisfied. What more can one want?"
- Oscar Wilde
"If you took cigarettes away from the 20th century, we wouldn't have any of the writers you go on about, or anybody worshipped would not exist, and I want this acknowledged. In fact I think non-smokers should be barred from buying any product that a smoker created"
-Joe Strummer
"A cigarette is the perfect type of a perfect pleasure. It is exquisite, and it leaves one unsatisfied. What more can one want?"
- Oscar Wilde
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