Gino Boccasile's Postcards

Promotional postcard for Linee Aeree Transcontinentali Italiane S.A. (Italian Transcontinental Airlines Ltd.), 1930.

Promotional postcard for Pozzi ceramic manufacturing: GAVIT Vitreous China and FIRE CLAY Sanitary Appliances (1950).

Cassa di Risparmio delle Provincie Lombarde (Lombard Provinces Savings Bank) in memory of marine and mountain colonies organized by Fasci di Combattimento (Fasci of Combat) in 1935.
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Gino Boccasile
Selected postcards conceived and designed by Italian graphic and painter Gino Boccasile.
See also:

Gino Boccasile's Grandi Firme Covers

Gino Boccasile's Paris Tabou Covers

Gino Boccasile's Ads_1

Gino Boccasile's Ads_2

Gino Boccasile's Ads_3

Gino Boccasile's Ads_4

Gino Boccasile's Covers (Miscellany)

Gino Boccasile's Paperback Covers

Gino Boccasile's Decameron Illustrations_1

Gino Boccasile's Decameron Illustrations_2
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36 votes
Gino Boccasile's Gallery
(12 lists)list by rickterenzi
Published 11 years, 6 months ago

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