La frayeur, 1861-1867, retouched and painted photo.
(See also following pictures.)
All photos by Pierre-Louis Pierson.
(See also following pictures.)
All photos by Pierre-Louis Pierson.
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Virginia Oldoini, Countess of Castiglione. Portrait by Michele Gordigiani, 1862.
Virginia Elisabetta Luisa Carlotta Antonietta Teresa Maria Oldoini Verasis Asinari, Countess of Castiglione, was born in Florence on 22nd March 1837.
In 1856-1857, she became the mistress of the Emperor of France Napoléon III. After the end of their relationship, she continued to influence the French foreign policy.
In July 1856, Virginia Oldoini also began posing for Pierre-Louis Pierson, a photographer favored by the imperial court. In three different periods (1856-58, 1861-67 and 1893-95), she directed Pierson in 700 photographs inspired by her mundane life.
Virginia Oldoini, Countess of Castiglione, died in Paris on the night between 28th and 29th November 1899.
See also:

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