Classic Action Blockbusters
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Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
I can still remember watching the mini-gun scene, sitting back, wide-eyed, with one expression coming from my mouth: "Cool". If you run into someone who doesn't like this movie, and regard it as a classic, chances are their list is quite short. This movie surpasses the original in so many ways, yet there is still room for the super-awesome Arnold. What more could you ask for than too many explosions, weak plot, and of course lots of guns?
Zuraka's rating:

Speed (1994)
Who can forget the dramatic flying note with the deadly simplistic message "Bomb on bus"? I know I can't. I have to admit I am a sucker for Reeves, but this movie is such a classic action movie, that there is really not argument. You drive around at high speeds, if you slow down, the bus blows up. Throw in a couple explosions and a drawn out opening scene, and you have a movie.
Zuraka's rating:

Ah, the movie that started it all. Bruce Willis? Check. Big tower full of terrorists? Check. A plot a five year old can understand? Check. More explosions than a Las Vegas building demolition? Check. Well, that about covers it.
Zuraka's rating:

Commando (1985)
Seriously? Are you questioning this one? In such a case, refer to your "Kick@$$ movies of all time" manual, then promptly attempt to kick Arnold in the shin.
Disclaimer: Attempting to kick Arnold in the shin may cause the following side effects: -Serious Injury or Death
Disclaimer: Attempting to kick Arnold in the shin may cause the following side effects: -Serious Injury or Death
Zuraka's rating:

Honestly, this is not one of my favorites. Not enough action, too much story. But, it is quite possibly the most popular classic action movie. With more of a story, but still packed with action, this is truly deserves a place in the list.
Zuraka's rating:

Braveheart (1995)
One heck of a long movie, this has everything you could want in an action movie. This movie has more battle action than a cheap 80s action figure, with cool Scottish accents included at no extra cost. Not only that, but for what better cause than the freedom of an entire country? To top it all off, you get a history lesson....well, sort of.
Zuraka's rating:

What is better than an action hero shooting and blowing up any bad guy in the way? How about a tag team police duo that does the same thing? Explosions, shoot-outs, and cops are what this movie is all about. Hey, wait a second, that kind of sounds like a couple other movies on the list.......whatever, who cares, this movie rocks!
Zuraka's rating:

Bloodsport (1988)
High-flying martial arts master Van Damme kicking the living crap out of a gigantic chinese guy is quite possibly the most memorable moment is martial arts action history. Ok, maybe karate kid beats that, but this movie is no doubt an action classic, in its own right.
Zuraka's rating:

The Rock (1996)
Cheesy, Nickolas Cage, Sean Connery......yep, sounds like an action movie to me. With the ever-so-popular "terrorists want to blow up something" plot, this movie offers everything you would expect, including the whole sale slander of a small military team. Come on, who wouldn't want Sean Connery and Nickolas cage to team up and kick some terrorist butt?
Zuraka's rating:

GoldenEye (1995)
It would be flat out blasphemy if I didn't include at least one bond film. He is the king of classic action films, and there is literally a bond film for just about anyone. However, this being my list, I have decided to add my favorite of them, and truly one of my classic action movies.
Zuraka's rating:

These are the movies that I grew up with. You can never get enough of the movies that you would watch on a Friday night with your father. With popcorn in hand, every explosion provides another hole in the plot. No matter how bad the story and plot get, the action is too cool to pass up. In the end, you can't help but call it a classic movie that brings back warm memories.
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