Barbie Goes To The Movies
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Barbie is 50 years old! Mattel first launched the famous doll in 1959. Barbara Millicent Roberts (her full name) became a must-have toy for many girls around the globe, a collectors' item, a controversial icon. All these years, she follows fashion, the cultural and social changes in our world. She is a mannequin and a housewife, she has children and pets, she owns a car and a bike, she works as doctor, nurse, pilot and stewardess, she is a politician and a queen, she is black and white, and the list goes on and on...
In many cases, the designers and manufacturers of Barbie were inspired by the movies. We saw her as Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Vivian Lee, Batgirl, Mary Poppins and so many other movie stars and characters. The list is about these transformations of the doll. You will see here photos of new and older, special and limited editions of Barbie from plastic and porcelain. And let's not forget Ken, her faithful partner, who played the role of James Bond, Rhett Butler or Legolas.
*Some of the dolls are not directly connected to the movies, but they are based more on fairy tales, comics or TV series. I just couldn't resist adding them to the list.
*The purpose of this list is not to demonstrate products or advertise companies. I have no financial benefit from it, I have absolutely no connection with the sale of toys or the aforementioned company. I just had a Barbie when I was a child.
About Doll (blog)
The Fashion Doll Chronicles (blog)
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