Gary Trousdale
Movies written by
Most popular
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Most recent

1. The Lion King (1994)
Rating: | 7472 Watched |

2. Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
Rating: | 1640 Watched |

3. Oliver & Company (1988)
Rating: | 1022 Watched |

5. The Pig Who Cried Werewolf (2011)
Rating: | 11 Watched |
Movies directed by
Most popular
Top rated
Most recent

1. Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Rating: | 4459 Watched |

3. Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
Rating: | 1640 Watched |

5. Shrek's Thrilling Tales (2012)
Rating: | 22 Watched |
View all Gary Trousdale movies (1 more)
Most popular
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2. Waking Sleeping Beauty (2010)
Rating: | 41 Watched |

3. Howard (2018)
Rating: | 3 Watched |

1. Omnibus (1967)
Rating: | 11 Watched |
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cyrax36 added this to a list 5 years, 1 month ago
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