NieR: Automata - PlayStation 4
list by Kankku

list by Hereticked
list by Hereticked

NieR: Automata Videos
Cover art, photos and screenshots
Return of the Eastern RPG
An Important Game.
Release date: 7 March 2017

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“The things that this game does have never been done before in a game or, at least, not like this.
In an industry where being by the book is rewarded, NieR manages to be so unapologetically itself that you can't help but fall in love with how unique. It's not just the story, the soundtrack, the gameplay, the art direction - it's everything.
NieR: Automata is one of the most important games of the decade, and that's on period.” read more

" At the moment I feel like this might be the best video game ever made. I might come back writing something on this, maybe. I just absolutely love this."
“una historia muy buena aunque falto desarrollarla un poco mas, la jugabilidad rpg esta buena pero faltaron algunas cosas que arreglar pero aun asi esta muy bueno, los graficos muy buenos pero nada fuera de lo comun, las voces de los personajes y los villanos estan bien supero a su antecesor muy buen videojuego lo recomiendo” read more
“I've played some fine RPGs this year, but until now, none were compelling enough to warrant a full review. I binged on Persona 5 this spring, giving”
“I've played some fine RPGs this year, but until now, none were compelling enough to warrant a full review. I binged on Persona 5 this spring, giving at least 120 hours of my life to another fantasy romp through modern Japan. It was definitely fun, but it wasn't groundbreaking like Persona 3 and 4 were on the PS2 10 years ago.
As the summer drew to a close, I dove into Final Fantasy 15, hungry for a game I'd been waiting forever to play. It was impressive on a purely technical level, but solid real time combat and driving a shiny car around a big open world couldn't mask my disappointment in almost every other facet of the game. After 10 years in development, the story was a scattershot mess with many undeveloped characters and a very rushed ending. The soundtrack, usual” read more

" I waited for this for two long years. It was everything I wanted in a game. A fun combat system, excellent music, and a compelling story filled with soul. I highly recommend this game."