Tom Shadyac (Liar Liar) directed Eddie Murphy in his raucous and inventive "comeback" film, a loose remake of the 1963 Jerry Lewis original. Murphy puts on full-body makeup to play Sherman Klump, a grossly fat college chemistry professor who creates a drug that releases the skinny person within. As in the original (when Lewis morphed into a caricature of former partner Dean Martin) the thin scenes are the most interesting, as the thrill of being handsome turns this sweet schlep into a club-crawling creep named Buddy Love. Jada Pinkett is the dream girl who loves Klump for himself, even after the potion wears off. Apar
Tom Shadyac (Liar Liar) directed Eddie Murphy in his raucous and inventive "comeback" film, a loose remake of the 1963 Jerry Lewis original. Murphy puts on full-body makeup to play Sherman Klump, a grossly fat college chemistry professor who creates a drug that releases the skinny person within. As in the original (when Lewis morphed into a caricature of former partner Dean Martin) the thin scenes are the most interesting, as the thrill of being handsome turns this sweet schlep into a club-crawling creep named Buddy Love. Jada Pinkett is the dream girl who loves Klump for himself, even after the potion wears off. Apart from some juicy fart jokes, a virtual trumpet concerto that erupts during a virtuoso family dinner scene (in which Murphy plays several roles), the humor is fairly gentle--although young children may find the presto-chango makeup effects alarming. For an effective, flat-out horror treatment of a similar theme, try the Stephen King adaptation Thinner. --David Chute
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Manufacturer: Universal Studios
Release date: 12 November 1996
EAN: 9786304230657 UPC: 096898259439
Tags: Patricia Wilson (1), Makeover (1), Chemical (1), Doug Williams (1), Multiple Roles (1), Nbc Universal (1), Lecherous (1), David Ramsey (1), Imagine Entertainment (1), Health Instructor (1), John Ales (1), Fat (1), Jamal Mixon (1), Nichole McAuley (1), Hamilton Von Watts (1), Chao Li Chi (1), Tony Carlin (1), Quinn Duffy (1), Montell Jordan (1)
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