Carl-Gustaf Lindstedt
Most popular
Top rated
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1. Smiles of a Summer Night (1955) (2012)
Rating: | 188 Watched |
2. Dreams (1955)
Rating: | 35 Watched |
4. One Summer of Happiness (1951) (1951)
Rating: | 9 want to see |
5. Rötmånad (1970)
Rating: | 6 Watched |
View all Carl-Gustaf Lindstedt movies (51 more)
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Movies written by
Most popular
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1. Hjälpsamma herrn (1954)
0 want to see |
2. Fly mej en greve (1959)
0 want to see |
3. Svenska Floyd (1961)
0 want to see |
4. Calle P. (1965)
0 want to see |
5. Guldgrävarna (1959)
0 want to see |